

  1. CMI NCSU, role: MPI (PIs Z. Cang and S. Yang). Data-driven causal discovery of cell-cell communication impacts from transcriptomic data: recovering signaling mechanisms of lung development.
  2. NIH-NHLBI (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) grant 1R01HL169347, 2024–2029, NCSU $261,424, role: co-I (PI: A. Zhang). Integrated detection and classification of sepsis via tensor methods using EHR.
  3.   Eli Lilly and Company, Health Economics & Outcomes Research Pilot Funding, 2024–2025 $145,117, role: PI. Enhancing long-term treatment effect estimation through external control borrowing.
  4. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) grant 1U01FD007934, 2023–2026, $2,600,000, role: MPI (PIs X. Wang and S. Yang). Methods to improve efficiency and robustness of clinical trials using information from real-world data with hidden bias.
  5. NSF (National Science Foundation) grant SES 2242776, 2023–2026, $225,000, role: PI. Causal Inference with Irregularly Spaced Observation Times.
  6. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Climate Change Award, 2023–2024, $31,250, role: PI. Harnessing Data Science to Drive Precision Policy for Marine Protected Areas.
  7. PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) grant ME-2021C3-24972, 2022–2025, $330,560, role: co-Investigator. Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Pragmatic Trials with Irregular and Informative Assessment Times.
  8. NIH-NIA (National Institute on Aging) grant 1R01AG066883, 2020—2024, $1,565,763, role: MPI (PIs S. Yang and X. Wang). Empower Treatment Effects Evaluation of Randomized Clinical Trials for Elderly Patients with Integrated Real-World Data.
  9. NIH-NIEHS (National Institute of Environment Health Science) grant 1R01ES031651, 2020–2024, $1,158,927, role: MPI (PIs S. Yang and B. Reich). Spatial Causal Inference for Wildland Fire Smoke Effects on Air Pollution and Health.
  10. NSF (National Science Foundation) grant DMS 1811245, 2018–2021, $120,000, role: PI. Theory and Methods for Causal Inference in Chronic Diseases.
  11. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding, 2018–2019, $31,500, role: PI. Statistical Methods for Oral Anticoagulation Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.
  12. ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, 2018–2019, $10,000, role: PI. Statistical Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research in HIV infection.
  13. NCI (National Cancer Institute) grant P01 CA142538, role: co-Investigator. Statistical Methods for Cancer Clinical Trials.